Why Hyper Local?

Not every community fits the medical scenarios used in national online learning platforms. Rural communities are different. They deserve education that keeps their needs and challenges top of mind. The hyper local nature of SIM-MT classes combines the best national medical practices with local specifics so it's applicable to the real world care you give every day.

Go at Your Pace

You can start a class and return to it when it works in your schedule, allowing for maximum flexibility as you work to secure your continuing education credits.

SIM-MT's Online Learning Experience

  • EMS Focused Classes

    Montana's rural EMS teams have unique challenges. SIM-MT's classes highlight these in course content.

  • Hospital Focused Classes

    SIM-MT's hospital focused classes take into account the unique needs dictated by the rural nature of the state.

  • Conscientious Cost

    As a non-profit, SIM-MT offers classes for free when possible, and offers scholarships as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I receive credit for classes I complete?

    Upon completion of the class you will receive your certificate for your course completion. The certificate includes a link for CAPCE and nursing credits.

  • There's a course I would love to take but the cost is too high, what are my options?

    SIM-MT is a non-profit that works hard to make education affordable to everyone. Email: [email protected] and request information about scholarship options.

  • How can I request a future course topic?

    We aim to meet the needs of our learners. If there is a course you would love to see, visit the "Suggest a Class" tab on the top menu. This is your education platform and your input is a key driver of future content.

  • What if I prefer in person learning?

    SIM-MT also does in person high-fidelity simulation training for medical teams along with other in person classes. Visit simmt.org for more information.

  • I am an instructor with content to share, can it be included on this platform?

    The online learning hub is for everyone, we are just the hosts. If you have a class you offer medical professionals in Montana, we would love to talk with you about adding it to this platform. Follow the "Suggest a Class" link in the main menu for more information or email us at: [email protected]